


548 Cherryhill Street
Oshawa, Ontario, L1H7R9


Invoice Number INV-0121
Invoice Date March 26, 2021
Due Date April 1, 2021
Total Due $1,498.75
Caddylink - Matthew Cholod
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
27.25 Caddylink Application Development - Hourly

-Setup and work with ClubProphet SDK
-ClubProphet API testing
-Flossmoor subdomain setup
-Flossmoor application installation and setup
-Flossmoor customization
-List of changes for Flossmoor
-Adding customizations for caddy types, and loop type options
-Set availability default to not available + bug found and fixed
-CaddyLink core upgrade and changes
-Create a database filter for users to select only paid/registered caddies to add to caddy service provider list
-Caddy Note in SMS message and reflect changes to front-end
-OTF updates
-Troubleshooting/changes/bug fixes-Timezones are now selectable by users and bookers -> automatically calculates differences to account for zones
-See additional information on Trello for each task
-As requested, admins will now receive cancellation and completed SMS/emails is setup
-Booking printing/exports
-Fixed: Coded a forced redirect back to the page so it doesn't display the 5 min blocks on workers hours
-Eliminate number of golfers option and create functions to allow for multiple caddies for single booking

Sub Total $1,498.75
Tax $0.00
Total Due $1,498.75