


548 Cherryhill Street
Oshawa, Ontario, L1H7R9


Invoice Number INV-0191
Invoice Date March 12, 2023
Due Date April 1, 2023
Total Due $798.75
Graymatter Marketing Solutions

1550 Bayly Street, Unit 16A, Pickering ON
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 March 13 - Hourly

-BTM Website Updates (.75 Hours)
-Create 4 Sliders
-Resize for web and upload images
-Update written content on site
-Switch homepage to make website live

-DRPS Update:
Website policy PDF change (.25)

.25 March 14 - DRPS

-Add Media release to website

2 March 15 Hourly

-Create new email account for Aileen
-Forward Emily's email account
-Change access/password to email account
-Remove Emily from Graymatter website
-Update Graymatter plugins/core + security scan
-Call w Marcus
-D&R troubleshooting email spam message

2.5 March 16 Hourly

-Prepare SEO Report for
-Meeting prep for Pride + follow-up notes
-List of change email for Aud w comments

1 March 19/20 Hourly

-Unused email cancellation
-Communication records for Marcus
-DRPS PDF document addition (0.5 hrs)

3 March 22 Hourly

-Purchase/setup emails for Gala
-Correspondence w Lori for DNS records
-Taurus meeting w Steve + follow-up w Austin

.75 March 27 Hourly

-Call w Lori for domain transfer
-DRPS Update (.5 hrs)

5.75 March 28 Hourly

-Roadmap for Leigh Anne
-Send email to Audra with update for Marcus (she won't be attending Weds meeting)
-ETA email setup
-ETA Website landing page
-GM website update - Add bio + headshot
-Update SSL for GM

1.5 March 29 Hourly

-Meeting for Museums/Checklist for Marcus
-info@email forwarding
-ETA Updates from Aud

Sub Total $798.75
Tax $0.00
Total Due $798.75