


548 Cherryhill Street
Oshawa, Ontario, L1H7R9


Invoice Number INV-0203
Invoice Date August 1, 2023
Due Date August 31, 2023
Total Due $1,518.75
Graymatter Marketing Solutions

1550 Bayly Street, Unit 16A, Pickering ON
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1.25 Quantum Rehab Website Updates - Aug 2

-Code new page for blog post
-Resize post image and create cover image
-format text content
-Create ASP files and upload to remote server

1.5 Pride Meeting with Marcus - Aug 2

-Meeting prep and research for Conversions for Analytics (.5)
-Meeting for analytics (1h)

2 Johnny + Milton work/calls - Aug 2

-Troubleshooting for Johnny Nunez and setting up accounts remotely
-Calls with Milton/Johnny

2 Hourly - Aug 3

-ETA Blog (0.5h)
-Social Boosts (1h)
-Gala Updates (0.5h)

1.5 Hourly Aug 6 - 8

-Pride email contact update
-ETA Navigation update for blog
-Pride 404 fix
-Renew Skycomp

2.5 Aug 9 Hourly

-Social media boosts for Priya
-UDW Inquiry
-Other hourly work

3 Aug 10 Hourly

-Pride Website Update - Remove Infinity LC525 (.5h)
-Domain mgmt + leedway renewals (.5h)
-Report for Paul & Garth WC vs Shopify (1.5h)
-Correspondence + client emails (.5)

3 Hourly Aug 11-15

-Domain Purchases/GoDaddy email mgmt (.5 h)
-Email plan research + emails (1 h)
-Make Admin account for Felicia + emails + time estmate for update (.5)
-Social Media spreadsheet requests from Skye (.5)
-Review Paul's preferred templated sites and call w Aud/Kat (.5)

1.25 Pride Mobility Website Updates for Michael

-Change code to add prefix "From" and remove "MSRP" from all products.
-Edit shortcode and add CSS to hide price of accessory in tabs
-Rebuild Accessory category template without price included

8.5 Aug 17 - 24

-Social Media boosts for Priya + .bar account w balance (1.25h)
-Pride Mobility - Baha 2 product addition + variations + correspondence for Mike (2h)
-Quantum Blog posts - format images, code posts, rewrite index code to include new posts (x2) (1.25h)
-Aug 24 - in office hourly (4h)

7.25 Aug 25 - 31

-Emad website restore - copy old site to new server, point domain, add SSL for leedwaypm (1.5)
-Scott Toram- website SSL update (.5h)
-Lee Ann email account and inbox transfer to her account (1h)
-Aug 29 meeting 12pm-1pm + prep + follow up (1h)
-Social Media Boosts for Priya (0.5h)
-Tracey Curtis website e-commerce and mobile formatting (2.75h)

Sub Total $1,518.75
Tax $0.00
Total Due $1,518.75