


548 Cherryhill Street
Oshawa, Ontario, L1H7R9


Invoice Number INV-0199
Invoice Date June 1, 2023
Due Date June 30, 2023
Total Due $1,395.00
Graymatter Marketing Solutions

1550 Bayly Street, Unit 16A, Pickering ON
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
2 June 1 Hourly

-ETA Updates

1.5 June 5 Hourly

-WP/Plugin updates for hosted sites updates + new admin account for Jordan

1.5 June 6 Hourly

-Calls/emails with Jordan for Peral Spa
-Emails/fixes for Nicole TTW

3.25 June 9 Hourly

-Call with Lee Ann + emails + GoDaddy changes + cancelling email addresses & making aliases (1 hr)

ETA Updates:
-Added recaptcha to avoid spam
-Built/styled new page for ETA Youth employment summer camp
-Made new email template
-Added new email trigger for student/registrant to recieve email as well
-Updated link in the slider banner
-Updated contact form + placeholder code
-Changed map to show address + added address to site

2.75 June 12 Hourly

-Meeting with Milton/Chris
-Shopify platform research/staff account
-Email correspondence
-Social boosts
-Wix Account Setup

.5 June 19 Hourly

-DRPS Updates

1 June 20 Hourly

-DRPS Updates to Policy (.5)
-Hosting + email + pricing research and email for Audra

3.5 June 22/23 Hourly

-ToastedWalnut troubleshooting (.5)
-In office meeting/hourly (3)

1.5 June 26 Hourly

-Pricing for hosting/security for Pride + correspondence w Marcus
-Social media boosts

2.5 June 27 Hourly

-Security research/writeup for Marcus
-DRPS Presentation addition (0.5h)
-Social media post boosts
-Graymatter Website updates:
-Updating Plugins
-Collecting images/resizing/adding entries for portfolio updates

10 Pride Mobility Additional Hours

-Server configuration
-Meetings/emails with US Pride team

1 June 30 Hourly

-DRPS Updates - Annual report addition + page update (.5)
-Social updates for Priya + AMF

Sub Total $1,395.00
Tax $0.00
Total Due $1,395.00