


548 Cherryhill Street
Oshawa, Ontario, L1H7R9


Invoice Number INV-0209
Invoice Date September 1, 2023
Due Date September 30, 2023
Total Due $1,203.75
Graymatter Marketing Solutions

1550 Bayly Street, Unit 16A, Pickering ON
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
3.5 Tracey Curtis

SEPTEMBER 1: updates:

Page 1
• The logo on the top left can it be bigger?
• Please change title to “The Stories we Tell Ourselves”
• Please Add time under where 9-4
• In the welcome message could we soften one line: Change, "This is not how it often goes in all areas of your life.” to “ This may not be how it goes in all areas of your life.”

Page 2
• Different picture on the left – something softer with women maybe in a circle? That pic feels cold, maybe a collage of women? A group?
• Where is talks about the weight of our stories adjust to “is it time to reflect on our stories”

Page 3
• Logo is not fitting perfectly – looks like too big for spot
• Agenda missing the last line
• Take out the cost at the top row of the agenda of the table cost
• Can you make the font on the mediations a bit smaller than the rest. Comments I got was that the agenda looked too wordy

Page 4
• Move Marva to first spot as she is the MC and first speaker – Under her bio there is a typo “...Survey Research, she co-lead the well-received and ground breaking…” it should read instead, "...Survey Research, she co-led the well-received and ground breaking…"
• My Bio can you please change to… “For over 30 years, Tracey been providing families with solutions that support their financial and life goals. Driven by a genuine interest in helping people, Tracey has been fortunate to observe so many of her clients achieve peace of mind when their retirement goals are met with ease. “I enjoy forming long-term relationships with families and proudly continue to serve many of these families who have been with me since my first year in practice." Tracey has also learned over the years that the motivation behind every financial decision can be found in someone’s story. "We learn from our parents, grandparents, friends, and acquaintances; all these people influence our thoughts and decisions, whether consciously or subconsciously.” Herein lies the passion behind this conference. There is tremendous value in understanding how your stories inform your decisions.
Tracey serves her community in many ways: She is a Rotarian with the Guelph Rotary Club and has acted as President and Assistant District Governor; she is currently the Vice-Chair of the Foundation of Guelph General Hospital Board of Directors; and has been on the Board of Directors and past Chair of Bracelet of Hope for 12 years. In fact, Tracey was honoured with the Women of Distinction award in 2017 in the Community Builders category. This conference is another way to build community and help others sort through the stories that will bring them closer to the life of their dreams.
• Small edits for Marva Bailey-Wisdom and Ann-Marie: The dashes used are either an em dash which is a long dash (which connects ideas not a hypen) or there is an extra space on either side.

Page 5
• I don’t love the image on the left – something warmer and welcoming, showing women together.

Then when you press the buy tickets button.
• Add both prices in the same spot $175 for one ticket and 10 for $1500 (currently the $1500 is at the bottom)
• Wording… all he did was copy and paste for a spot holder. I am not good with words. What we need here is a paragraph about what they get for their ticket… Breakfast as you arrive, journal, mala beads for mediation, hot delicious lunch, snacks and coffee mid day, 3 speakers and then a panel discussion with speakers and CMHA. During the breaks opportunity to speak to sponsors and vendors from our community.
• Under location – Located in the heart of Southwestern Ontario, Canada, Delta Hotels Guelph Conference Centre is in the University of Guelph's Research Park Centre, steps from the university's main campus. Guelph offers unique shops, theatres, dining, craft breweries and a spectacular countryside peppered with quaint towns like Elora, Fergus, St. Jacobs and Rockwood.
Take out the Products page

Thank you Kevin and Audra – Sponsors are starting to come in, If you could have an empty spot maybe where the product page was take that off and add sponsors

SEPT 20-30 Sponsor update - adding sponsor page + updating sponsors as they come in + content update

2.5 Porland

-Porland weekly meeting (1)

-Meeting Prep for both meetings (0.5)

-Porland weekly meeting (1)

4 Mayors Gala

-Size sponsor images (x7)
-Source sponsor links (x7)
-Format page for new sponsors + add content (x7)
-Mobile responsive updates (1.25h)

Sept 6 - Subject: RE: URGENT REMOVAL
LOGO and LINK for Jerry Coughlin + New link (0.5h)

Sept 11 + 12 Updates:
-4x sponsor updates + correspondence (1h)

Sept 20 - Gala updates x 3 (0.75h)

Sept 28-29
Email troubleshooting (0.5h)

6.75 Graymatter Hourly Work

-Social Media boosts from Priya + Rodman Hall + SM (1.25h) Sept 1- 7
-ETA Blog - Sept 6 (0.25h)
-Engagement boosts from Priya + spreadsheet boosts (2.25h) Sept 8 - 15
-Sept 15 - 29 - social boosts + engagement work for Priya (2.75h)
-Create email account/assign inbox for Kieran + send login info (0.25)

6.5 Quantum + Pride Website Updates

-September 11. Blog Update (1h)
-Code new page for blog post + code updates to index page
-Resize post image and create cover image
-format text content
-Create ASP files and upload to remote server

-Sept 12-15 (2.25h)
-Pride PX4 Model launch website work:
-PX4 data collection from .com website
-Adding PX4 Model (5 variations)
-Resizing/formatting/optimizing images for web
-Adding approx 20 specs for additional info tab
-Adding warranty info
-Adding manuals
-Adding all relevant accessories to the accessories tab
-Adding PX4 attributes to product filters

-Sept 20-25 Product launch updates (3.25h)
-Baja Bandit on Pride
-Quantum RTRAK on

2.5 Milton - Mighty Joyful

-Code changes to template to switch from case to individual cans (12 instead of 1)
-Code product minimum quantity restriction to 12
-Code product quantity multiple restriction to 12
-Troubleshoot shipping settings with Chris (change product weight to reflect new quantity options)

0.5 Durham Police Services Board

September 14
-Media Advisory Updates for Antia Longo

0.5 Toram Plumbing + Mechanical

-SSL Troubleshooting + correspondence

Sub Total $1,203.75
Tax $0.00
Total Due $1,203.75