


548 Cherryhill Street
Oshawa, Ontario, L1H7R9


Invoice Number INV-0031
Invoice Date June 13, 2018
Due Date June 23, 2018
Total Due $85.50
Stargroup Sports
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
0.25 remove special effects

remove special effects, for example, the red “one of a kind” photo.

0.35 optimize photos

optimize photos for shopping page

0.35 contact – remove popup

contact – remove popup for SPR and include the information as the Star Sports Backpack info. is presented.

0.25 social media links

social media links – include in header

0.1 remove swirl

remove swirl that happens when switching between pages – might be fixed with optimizing photos

0.1 remove “home”

remove “home” navigation – redundant

0.5 kill the home page/about accordion

kill the home page/about accordion file and make it different sections of the website

Sub Total $85.50
Tax $0.00
Total Due $85.50