


548 Cherryhill Street
Oshawa, Ontario, L1H7R9


Invoice Number INV-0002
Order Number 002
Invoice Date March 20, 2017
Due Date March 27, 2017
Total Due $607.50
Graymatter Marketing Solutions

1550 Bayly Street, Unit 16A, Pickering ON
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
3 CBLaw

CBLaw: fixed permalinks + fixed Visual Composer + reloaded and setup theme + on page SEO fixes

1.5 Baystreet Blog

Design and development of custom blog for Bay Street Chambers

2.5 Durham Recruiting

Emails setup + hosting setup for durham recruiting + homepage design and development with email collection and testing

0.5 Toram

Toram manual password recovery via PHPmyadmin and password hasher

0.5 Bay and Herriot Footer fixes and logo updates for GM

Herriot/baystreet logo and footer updates. Fixed blurry logo bug in code and updates new Graymatter design logo in footers of all previous sites.

2 Baystreet Chambers

Baystreet css updates + built and installed subscription system + email updates/testing.

1 Decon Enviro

Pages fixes + updates and map troubleshooting.

1.5 Domain transfer/forwards and email setup

Toram email solution - unlimited emails + discount, toram domain forwards

1 Baystreet Chambers Apr12 updates

Baystreet chambers new page + navigation updates

Sub Total $607.50
Tax $0.00
Total Due $607.50